Tuesday, March 25Hampton Roads Weekly

Meet Your Representatives

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Here are some of the things I am planning to put forward in the House of Delegates in the upcoming session: 

✴ An adoption tax credit – a bill to support adoptions and help women who make the choice to adopt a child. 

✴ Mandatory certification of aftercare facilities for victims of human trafficking. 

✴ Limiting the bureaucracy on childcare facilities already licensed by the Department of Defense. Military families need quality childcare options and not red tape from the state government. 

✴ Lowering college tuition for students aging out of foster care, as well as helping eligible foster teens get their driver’s licenses. I will propose expanding the age from 21 to 23 years for the Fostering Futures program. 

✴ Expanding the designations of the School Division of Innovation, which focuses on reducing student achievement gaps through personalized learning, expanded curriculum choices, internships, and job shadowing.

We will be in Richmond from early January until the first week of March. This is where we work on our two-year biennial state budget. Also, one of my top priorities when elected in 2021 was to meet with the different agencies to understand how to serve our community better.

As the daughter of a military chaplain, married to a former Navy Captain, and a descendant of Patrick Henry’s sister, the spirit of service runs deep for me. I love this country, our beloved Commonwealth, and, most importantly, Virginia Beach. 

The sword of George Washington, the voice of Patrick Henry, and the words of Thomas Jefferson – all great Virginians – will inform what I do while in Richmond on your behalf. 

If I can be of service to you, please contact me at 757-213-5193 or [email protected].

Delegate Anne Ferrell Tata

Member of Virginia General Assembly
