Tuesday, October 22Hampton Roads Weekly


We Must Come Together to Stop the Hate

We Must Come Together to Stop the Hate

By Connie Aron MeyerIf you are an intelligent caring Americanthen you abhor the barbaric attack onIsraeli families asleep in their beds onOctober 7th, 2023, and feel for the plight ofthe Palestinian people you see abandonedby their elected government, the terroristorganization called Hamas, who purposelyuses them as human shields. And youwonder how we stop the violence and cometogether to find common ground for the goodof humanity, stop the hate and find peace.If you care about the Palestinian people,then you begin to realize that their greatestenemy lives among them – in the body ofHamas, a United States-designated, terroristorganization and their brothers to the north,Hezbollah.But we are constantly bombarded byconflicting reports in the media and find italmost impossible to judge - whic...
The Decline of Civil Discourse

The Decline of Civil Discourse

Headlines, Politics
How Targeted Media and Technology are Shaping Our Conversations in The Chaos of Our Ever-Fragmenting World, Illustrated by the Israel Conflict Civil discourse, the cornerstone of democratic societies, has been on a concerning decline in recent years. Amid this backdrop of escalating tensions and diminished dialogue, one cannot help but dissect the forces driving our global community away from mutual understanding and towards division. Chief among these drivers is the media's tidal shift from universally appealing platforms to niche and demographically targeted content. Coupled with the subtle yet profound influence of AI algorithms, echo chambers emerge, amplifying polarization. This is starkly evident in the portrayal of events as complex as the current Israel-Hamas conflict, where...
Civility vs Disrespect vs  Behaving as an Adult for Virginia  By Bruce Meyer – Publisher of Hampton Roads Weekly

Civility vs Disrespect vs Behaving as an Adult for Virginia By Bruce Meyer – Publisher of Hampton Roads Weekly

Headlines, Politics
On Tuesday, July 30th, the Virginia General Assembly hosted a Special Joint Session in Jamestown, Virginia to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the first legislative body to operate in the New World.   The featured guest was the President of the United States - Donald J Trump.  This ceremony was supposed to be a non-partisan celebration of Virginia’s rich history and the foundational beginnings of what would one day become the United States of America. For the most part, all of the goals were accomplished.  We had dignitaries from throughout the world in attendance; however, some of Virginia’s own elected officials unwisely decided to play partisan politics and “boycott” because President Trump was to be in attendance.  There are certain special occasions when pol...
The Cavalier Hotel

The Cavalier Hotel

The Historic Cavalier Hotel, grand dame of Virginia Beach, has been brilliantly restored by Bruce Thompson and his talented team.  Many of us in Hampton Roads have spent meaningful moments and life events celebrating at the beautiful hotel.  The years had taken their toll and we almost lost this icon, steeped in our stories and our history.  A notable historic hotel, it was recently awarded a coveted place on the United States National Register of Historic Places.  The hotel has also been recently awarded the prestigious honor of becoming a AAA Four Diamond Hotel.  If you haven’t treated yourself to everything The Cavalier has to offer, you are really missing something special.  Stay tuned to Hampton Roads Weekly for all the fun and interesting events taking p...
A War With No Ammo…Amerishield PPE

A War With No Ammo…Amerishield PPE

For two decades now, America has joined the world in being dangerously dependent on China for their medical supplies. And for two decades now policy wonks have been warning of what this could mean for America’s national security and economic stability. We never took stock of their concerns because there was never a need to do so. But like everything in the last year, Coronavirus changed that. China’s ruling political party, the CCP, has been on a not-so-secret campaign to drastically subsidize and impose wild-west type “regulations” on medical manufacturing, making their products uber cheap. This has pushed much of the global competition out of the way, leaving China as the primary manufacturer of key medical equipment. During a global pandemic, this means massive shortages in person...
Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Any parent of a kid with disabilities will tell you, more than anything else in the world, their child just wants to fit in. Not easy when you’re a little different. My son doesn’t mind if I tell you he has severe learning disabilities. He’s worked hard his whole life to overcome them. But I still remember his look of surprise and relief on the morning of his first day of 1st grade at St. Gregory the Great in Virginia Beach. We held hands as we walked from the parking lot to the line for his class. He was taking deep breaths and squeezing my hand. Then he caught sight of his classmates and his first-day nervousness evaporated . “We’re all wearing the same thing!” he exclaimed. The 26 or so children in his class were all dressed as he was, in khaki shorts, polo shirts with...
Keppie’s Korner Exclusive- Holiday Pet Safety

Keppie’s Korner Exclusive- Holiday Pet Safety

Keppie’s Korner Exclusive- Holiday Pet Safety Hi fur-rends! My name is Keppie Meyer and I am Hampton Roads Weekly’s life coach.  As you know, the holiday season is upon us and that means time for food, family and fun! However, before you deck the halls, it is important to think about all of us furry friends and the impact your holiday decorating can have on our health! With help from my friends at the ASPCA I put together a list of the do’s and don’ts to keep all of us safe throughout the season so we all have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year to come! Decorations- Oh, Christmas Tree: It is important to secure your Christmas tree so it doesn't tip and fall, as this would cause possible injury to pets.  While it is important to water a live tree (if you have...
AOC is a Ditz

AOC is a Ditz

She’s exasperating. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that is. The charismatic freshman congresswoman from New York who runs her mouth constantly while only sometimes engaging her brain. Her latest bloviation? In an Instagram live video this week she proclaimed millennials and Generation Z to be members of the greatest, smartest most enlightened generations. They’re “badass” she boasted, noting that young people are fearless protesters, fueled, I suppose, by avocado toast, Starbucks and weed.   “I think this new generation is very profound and very strong and very brave, because they’re actually willing to go to the streets,” Ocasio-Cortez said.  How ’bout that? How about this: Read a history book, Congresswoman. You sound like a ditz. Look, I would never declare that my o...
The Outrage Mob Goes Shopping

The Outrage Mob Goes Shopping

Business, Community, Headlines
By Kerry Dougherty It’s official. We’re turning into a nation of sniveling babies. Always looking for new ways to be offended. Exhibit A: Macy’s. Seems a “podcast host” most of us never heard of spied some novelty dinner plates in the popular department store and was so outraged by the sight of them that she started yapping. On her podcast, I presume. Next thing you know, the milquetoasts running the company knuckled under and announced that they’d stop the sale of the horrifying plates. What was on them, you ask. Something racist? Homophobic? Vulgar? Nope, the plates had concentric circles, for portions. The smallest said “skinny jeans” the next bigger had “favorite jeans” and the biggest circle said “mom jeans.” How dare they! Apparently these plates are guilty. G...