Wednesday, March 26Hampton Roads Weekly

We Must Come Together to Stop the Hate

By Connie Aron Meyer
If you are an intelligent caring American
then you abhor the barbaric attack on
Israeli families asleep in their beds on
October 7th, 2023, and feel for the plight of
the Palestinian people you see abandoned
by their elected government, the terrorist
organization called Hamas, who purposely
uses them as human shields. And you
wonder how we stop the violence and come
together to find common ground for the good
of humanity, stop the hate and find peace.
If you care about the Palestinian people,
then you begin to realize that their greatest
enemy lives among them – in the body of
Hamas, a United States-designated, terrorist
organization and their brothers to the north,
But we are constantly bombarded by
conflicting reports in the media and find it
almost impossible to judge – which reports are
based on facts, who is correct and who is to
blame? Until we find those answers it seems

impossible to come together to stop this hate.
Here are some facts both contemporary
and from history that will hopefully set the

  • The goal of radicalized Muslim terrorist
    groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and others:
    That all people obey strict Sharia Law and are
    converted to radicalized severe Muslim beliefs
    or they must be slaughtered.
  • What does the “From the River to the Sea”
    actually mean?
    Make no mistake, the terrorist organizations
    who taught these chants to our children on
    our university campuses across our nation are
    celebrating their successful infiltration of the
    hearts and minds of US university presidents,
    administrators, and faculty who are teaching
    this hate to our vulnerable students and
    children. They are successfully couching this
    hate speech and “selling” it as “free speech”-
    one of our most celebrated democratic
    freedoms in our country.
    From the “River to the Sea, Palestine shall be
    free!” actually means from the Jordan River
    on the eastern flank of Israel to the glittering
    Mediterranean Sea on its west, radicalized
    Muslims are crying for the slaughter of all
    Jews and the complete annihilation of the
    democratic state of the sovereign country of
  • This eradication of Israel and all Jews
    also translates to the hate they have for
    any religion not wedded to their strict
    interpretation of Muslim law. As we see the
    disgusting spread of hate crimes throughout
    the United States, Europe and the rest of the
    world, we know, that they hate Jews only a
    fraction more than Christians – who both
    believe in the same one God: the God of
    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  • To see young women on university
    campuses worldwide dressed in jeans
    and crop tops, members of all minority
    communities like the LGBTQ groups
    protesting in streets in favor of this radicalized
    movement is actually ridiculous. No women,
    no members of any LGBTQ community,
    no minorities or individuals of any kind are
    tolerated under Hamas or Hezbollah’s strict
    Sharia Law. Women and minorities have
    zero rights and these people holding signs in
    protest and screaming in their favor would be
    slaughtered on sight.
  • According to the Washington Institute for
    Near East Policy: By the latest count, the
    attacks by Hamas—the Arabic acronym for
    the Islamic Resistance Movement—killed
    more than 1,300 Israelis and third-country
    nationals, including at least 29 Americans, in
    a country whose population is less than 10
    million. In America, that would be equivalent
    to killing nearly 40,000 people—13 times
    more than the number of Al Qaeda victims
    on 9/11. They took 251 innocent hostages
    including women, children, and elderly.
    There are about 80 hostages left alive in Gaza
    that include 15 women and 2 babies under
    the age of 5. Hersh Goldberg, a 23 year old
    American who grew up in Richmond, VA and
    has a hand that was blown off on October 7th
    and amputated, is still in captivity. Over 300
    young people were slaughtered attending a
    peaceful music festival. Five Americans and a
    10-month-old baby named Kfir Bibas are still
    in captivity.
  • Facing all this slaughter, very few worldwide
    stand for the Jewish people: where is all of the
    outrage? Israelis were not killed, they were
    not murdered on October 7th – they were
    gleefully slaughtered by Hamas terrorists.
    For example, I wish I could say the Hamas
    terrorist shot, with one of the many bullets he
    had draped across his shoulders that Sabbath
    morning, the young pregnant Israeli woman 5
We Must Come Together to Stop the Hate
he pulled from her bed. But that is not what
happened – his fellow terrorist filmed as he
sliced the baby from her stomach, raped her
until her pelvis shattered and then slit her
throat. All of this is proudly captured on film
because this murderer and his family will be
generously rewarded with money and fame for
achieving such a feat – the slaughter of a Jew.

  • The Palestinian people in Gaza elected
    Hamas to lead them in 2006. Billions of dollars
    from many nations, including the US, have
    poured into Gaza, little of which has been
    used to improve the structure and lives of the
    Palestinian people. Compare the city of Tel
    Aviv that the Israelis built facing the sea to the
    barren streets of Gaza that Hamas left for the
    Palestinians to live in. Gaza could have been
    built into the Singapore of the Middle East in
    the last 20 years. Instead, Hamas took those
    Billions and built intricate networks of miles of
    tunnels in the sand below and bought weapons
    and bombs to hide there. The Hamas leaders
    shoved billions in their bank accounts and are
    hiding out this war in the Ritz Carlton in Qatar.
  • Why does Gaza now look like sand and
    rubble? Why has this war cost the lives of
    so many Palestinian women and children?
    Because their Hamas brothers choose to
    embed themselves in the residential homes,
    schools and hospitals of their people. Israeli
    Defense Forces warn civilians of attacks to
    come via phone calls, loudspeaker messages,
    and dropped leaflets – Hamas terrorists prevent
    them from leaving the area. The terrorists wire
    explosives in the strategic entrances of their

ramshackle buildings designed to blow up and
pancake into rubble upon Israeli Defense Force
soldiers crossing the threshold to enter.
Israel is such a tiny country – the size of
Rhode Island, you can walk it from border
to border in about two hours. Hard for us to
really imagine. But it is surrounded on every
side by enemies. Not enemies normal to any
other country in the world. Other countries
in times of war want to take over your land,
your resources, and your people. Imagine for
the moment if you can, your families – tiny
children being surrounded by countries full
of human beings who do not just want to
take you over, as is the reason for most wars
among nations. But imagine being completely
surrounded by people who want to wipe you
off the face of the earth forever, in the most
brutal way possible, because of your religion –
because of your belief in One God – the Father
of Abraham, Issac, Sarah, Rebekkah, and even
Jesus – the Old Testament, which is Judaism.
“From the River to the Sea!” they cry. You
see blond hair, blue-eyed college coeds yelling
this, joining pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
They have been convinced, they are still being
convinced, that they are fighting for the rights
of an oppressed Palestinian people. “From
the River to the Sea” means that radical Hamas
Islamists want to wipe off the face of the Earth
“From the River to the Sea” every single Jewish
person not only in Israel but across the world.
And since they hate the freedoms of democracy
and equality and Christianity and women’s
rights and minority rights almost as much as
they hate Jews- they call the United States of
America the Big Satan and Israel the Little
Satan. And they are coming for Christians and
Jews in the USA next. They yell out for jihad
(war against non-Muslims) every chance they
get. We better believe them. If our children and
our freedom of religion are important to us as
Americans, we better believe them, take action
and come together to stop the hate.