Felons: First The Vote. Then Guns.
In his rush to get new Democrats on the voter rolls before the 2016 presidential election, former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed a blanket order restoring the voting rights of about 206,000 felons.
When the Virginia Supreme Court slapped down this April 2016 move as illegal McAuliffe began churning out restorations one by one.
That was legal.
By the time he left office, McAuliffe had restored the civil rights of approximately 173,000 felons. This meant they could vote, serve on juries and run for political office.
But there were other consequences to McAuliffe’s sweeping move: Those newly enfranchised felons were now free to march into court to ask for the restoration of their gun rights.
Not sure the liberals who supported McAuliffe plumping up the voter rolls saw that coming.