We Must Come Together to Stop the Hate
By Connie Aron MeyerIf you are an intelligent caring Americanthen you abhor the barbaric attack onIsraeli families asleep in their beds onOctober 7th, 2023, and feel for the plight ofthe Palestinian people you see abandonedby their elected government, the terroristorganization called Hamas, who purposelyuses them as human shields. And youwonder how we stop the violence and cometogether to find common ground for the goodof humanity, stop the hate and find peace.If you care about the Palestinian people,then you begin to realize that their greatestenemy lives among them – in the body ofHamas, a United States-designated, terroristorganization and their brothers to the north,Hezbollah.But we are constantly bombarded byconflicting reports in the media and find italmost impossible to judge - whic...