Friday, March 28Hampton Roads Weekly


Skewed News-By Kerry Dougherty

Skewed News-By Kerry Dougherty

By Kerry Dougherty Here’s something we can all agree on: Many American newspapers are circling the drain. There are a multitude of reasons. But much of the blame goes to penny-pinching, short-sighted, unimaginative publishers. Dullards who know how to count beans but know nothing about news reporting. They’ve either laid off or bought out most experienced journalists, leaving many newsrooms in the hands of green reporters and editors with little historical knowledge of the localities they cover and without the courage to sometimes say, “Hold on, something about this story doesn’t feel right.” On top of that, pressure to get stories online means more errors - hey, they can be corrected later - asnews outlets join the arms race to spew digital information. If you want to k...


Some Thoughts on the Passing of a Great President – George H.W. Bush By Bruce Meyer   With the recent passing of President George H.W. Bush, I began to think about the time of his Presidency and his impact on my life as well as the Republican Party. When George Bush Sr. was elected to office, it was 1988.  I was Chairman of the Old Dominion University College Republicans.  This was the “Eighties” and the era of Ronald Reagan.  The baton was going to be handed over to a new leader.  These were exciting times! The Republican Party in Virginia was a very different animal than it is today.  Back then, the Party was organized and motivated, preparing for our future growth.  Sure we had our share of interfamily squabbling; however, at the end of the day, we would all come together an...
We Have Arrived

We Have Arrived

We are Hampton Roads Weekly and I am Bruce Meyer, the publisher of the game-changing publication named Hampton Roads Weekly (HRW). Over the years we have seen our news media spiral into either a daily crime sheet or a stream of negative political stories. At one time the media was about reporting the news and educating the public about what is happening in their respective communities. We at Hampton Roads Weekly get it! We decided to put together a team of professionals to create a new and refreshing publication that will provide an entertaining and unbiased outlook for the greater Hampton Roads Market in the areas of politics, news, business, culture, lifestyle, fashion and entertainment. Hampton Roads Weekly is a free publication distributed throughout Hampton Roads via prin...
Storm Water Is Difficult

Storm Water Is Difficult

Stormwater is a difficult thing.  Especially when you’re as low and flat as Hampton Roads is.  Virginia Beach got a dramatic lesson on October 9, 2016, when Hurricane Matthew ended a twenty-day period during which some parts of the city endured more than twenty inches of rainfall. For some perspective and definitions, approximately nine inches of rain in Tidewater within a 24-hour period is called a “100-year storm”.  A “100-year storm” is not a storm that comes along every 100 years; actually, it’s a storm intensity that has a 1 in 100 chance of happening in any given year.  A 10-year storm (six inches of rain) has a 1 in 10 chance of happening in any given year.  A 1-year storm (three inches of rain, a 1 in 1 chance) is almost certain to happen every year.  It is possible to have two se...