Sunday, February 23Hampton Roads Weekly

Author: Web Publisher

Girls Play House, Women Build Them

Girls Play House, Women Build Them

Focus on Philanthropy
Girls Play House, Women Build Them Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads to Hold Second Annual All-Women Build for a Deserving Family In 1988, a group of concerned Portsmouth citizens founded Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads (Habitat SHR). Dedicated to making affordable housing a matter of conscience and action, Habitat SHR has since guided more than 230 families to homeownership.  Habitat SHR knows that the value of having a stable place to live reduces dependency on government subsidies, raises property values and teaches civic responsibility. Studies show that children of homeowners are twice as likely to graduate college and 60% more likely to own their own homes within 10 years of moving out of their parents’ household. “We know Habitat can change the...
Is Regionalism Right for Hampton Roads?

Is Regionalism Right for Hampton Roads?

Is Regionalism Right for Hampton Roads? - HRW Interview with Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer The idea of regionalism is one that has been discussed for years.  Now it will receive more attention as we explore the best way to move ahead together post-COVID.  The strength of Hampton Roads is our diverse economic drivers and geographic composite.  That is also one of our greatest challenges.  Since Hampton Roads is essentially a “cul-de-sac” and we do not have a single voice to speak for all of our cities and counties, we must continuously work harder to attract new business than the average locality in the United States.  Our region is the 39th largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) in the Country.  We as a region must do more to work together to attrac...
Blink Fitness- Perfect Way to Welcome Spring After COVID!

Blink Fitness- Perfect Way to Welcome Spring After COVID!

Blink Fitness is new to Hampton Roads and certainly entering with a punch! This exciting gym has so much to offer.  Blink Fitness has centered its ideology on not only how a gym can make you look, but also how you feel.   The second a client walks into a Blink location they are immediately greeted with friendly and knowledgeable staff.  Blink is certainly a motivating place, since they take pride in challenging the fitness industry norms and celebrating every unique body.  Healthy comes in all shapes and sizes and working out in this community will help anyone feel confident and strong in the body they are in!  Each location you enter is both bright and welcoming.  One of the first things we notice when walking into their Virginia Beach location is how i...
Get Ready To Bounce Back

Get Ready To Bounce Back

Business, Community
by Michael D. Cohen, Ph.D While we’re all bunkered at home there’s plenty to be concerned about - including those closest to us, our families, friends, colleagues, and businesses.  All are taking a hit.  Friends we’ve known for over twenty years are sick with COVID-19 but recovering.  Friends are losing their businesses, and some their own jobs.  While all of this is happening Tiger King is dominating online conversation, so you know something is more than a little off in America. But the most visionary among us are looking to what happens next, because surely this, too, shall pass.  The other side of the curve will get here at some point and then we will be looking at each other wondering how we CTRL-ALT-DELETE our lives and our businesses.  While I see...
Hampton Roads Weekly helps honor Wave Leadership College with Senior Student Essays

Hampton Roads Weekly helps honor Wave Leadership College with Senior Student Essays

By Alexandra Clark Wave Leadership College has something that no other college has as their foundation. That is love and hope. Without one you cannot have the other. Ironically, these were the two biggest lessons this college has taught me. The Marine Corps taught me to be independent but what they did not teach me was how to depend on the one who made me. That eventually led me down a path of a life without love and no hope in the future. See, we aren’t meant to do this alone and not just with God either. We are meant to do life as one united race, the human race, with God guiding us through our relationship with Him.  None of these things are directly taught to us in the classroom. It is taught through each other, our professors, and the Holy Spirit. By answering the call ...
Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Any parent of a kid with disabilities will tell you, more than anything else in the world, their child just wants to fit in. Not easy when you’re a little different. My son doesn’t mind if I tell you he has severe learning disabilities. He’s worked hard his whole life to overcome them. But I still remember his look of surprise and relief on the morning of his first day of 1st grade at St. Gregory the Great in Virginia Beach. We held hands as we walked from the parking lot to the line for his class. He was taking deep breaths and squeezing my hand.  Then he caught sight of his classmates and his first-day nervousness evaporated . “We’re all wearing the same thing!” he exclaimed. The 26 or so children in his class were all dressed as he was, in khaki shorts, polo shirt...
Hampton Roads Weekly helps honor Wave Leadership College with Senior Student Essays

Hampton Roads Weekly helps honor Wave Leadership College with Senior Student Essays

by Christopher Fagan Wave Leadership College has been an amazing experience! It’s crazy to think that my two years here are already coming to an end. I have made my closest friends and have built relationships with my professors that I know will last for years. At Wave Leadership College, not only did I receive general education like literature and science, I have learned more about the Bible and have been further equipped for what ever life may bring me in the future.             Throughout my two years at WLC, I have learned some great life skills and lessons. But two lessons that have stuck with me is for sure accountability and responsibility. Accountability has been a very important aspect within Bible College. Not only for ...
Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Catholic Schools: Boldly Putting Kids First

Any parent of a kid with disabilities will tell you, more than anything else in the world, their child just wants to fit in. Not easy when you’re a little different. My son doesn’t mind if I tell you he has severe learning disabilities. He’s worked hard his whole life to overcome them. But I still remember his look of surprise and relief on the morning of his first day of 1st grade at St. Gregory the Great in Virginia Beach. We held hands as we walked from the parking lot to the line for his class. He was taking deep breaths and squeezing my hand. Then he caught sight of his classmates and his first-day nervousness evaporated . “We’re all wearing the same thing!” he exclaimed. The 26 or so children in his class were all dressed as he was, in khaki shorts, polo shirts with...
Fabulous Finds-Versus Salon

Fabulous Finds-Versus Salon

Ask anyone with curly hair and they’ll tell you of their hair journey that will more often than not include tales of bad salon experiences and moments they’ve walked the line of deciding to shave it all off. You’ll also learn about the shocking amounts of money they’ve spent on products that ended up not working for them at all. This is why when Michelle Williams started Versus Salon 18 years ago, she committed to learning all that she could about curly and textured hair so that she could offer support to a curly community desperately in need. Michelle began by becoming certified through the now popular DevaCurl brand, learning the special techniques required to properly cut curly hair, and brought the first DevaCurl inspired salon to Virginia Beach.  Ever since, she’s been on a s...
Why, today, do we love to hate?

Why, today, do we love to hate?

by Caleb Knox Caleb Knox is a senior at First Colonial’s Legal Studies Academy, where he is the captain of the debate and forensics teams, and a national and state champion. He’s looking to study politics, philosophy and economics. Caleb is a church intern, and enjoys public speaking and debating with his four siblings. If you were to ask what people believe is the greatest threat facing our nation right now, you could expect a wide variety of answers. Among concerns of Coronavirus, gun violence or immigration, there would likely be mention of our national divides. Incoming research from political scientists is showing us that Americans no longer hold a shared sense of national identity. More than ever Republicans and Democrats view the other as being motivated by hate, while their p...