Tuesday, October 22Hampton Roads Weekly


How the Greatest Generation Can Save Our Current Generation

How the Greatest Generation Can Save Our Current Generation

Politics, Uncategorized
By Bruce Meyer After the terrible tragedies and prevalence of violence we have all witnessed recently, people all over the country are once again asking when this madness will stop.  There are two primary strategies that have been discussed for several years.  The first strategy discussed by Democrats and the media is gun control.  The second strategy discussed by Republicans is arming schools and citizens and eliminating stringent gun control laws.  We can debate for years (and we have) the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed strategy; however, at the end of the day, they are not solutions to the problem.  They are, in fact, just a band aid.  The infection is still raging and both strategies are not the “antibiotic” that will cure this dis...
Keppie’s Korner

Keppie’s Korner

Hi friends! It’s me, Keppie Meyer! Thanks to my good friend Sadie, a fellow rescue pup, I have been inspired to help other dogs just like us find their happy homes.  There are many animals around Hampton Roads that could benefit from a happy home.  Sadie and I encourage you to visit one of the local animal shelters in our area, as there are many wonderful furry friends anxiously awaiting their “furever home”.   Dr. Keppie Meyer, Life Coach This month, we are featuring a pet from the Norfolk Animal Care and Adoption Center (NACC).  This shelter, located at 5586 Sabre Road in Norfolk has so many great pets and a very knowledgeable staff, waiting to help you find your new best friend.  Gaining a new best friend in your home is a simple and afford...
What Ever Happened to Civil Discourse.

What Ever Happened to Civil Discourse.

Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau-Nazi concentration camps born of hate that began with incivility.  Hitler’s failed attempt to wipe out all Jewish people in Europe. Hate, violence, murder, terror- foreign shores, a century away, a world away.   Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary, Douglas Stoneman High School, Tree of Life Synagogue, Virginia Beach Municipal Center- civility has been diminished, repeated attacks on minority communities.  Hate, violence, murder, terror- our shores, our time, our city.   Hampton Roads Weekly begins the conversation to explore solutions for our community by asking leaders and elected officials to voice their views. 
The Life Lessons You Can Learn from Your Dog

The Life Lessons You Can Learn from Your Dog

By Dr. Keppie Meyer  (Beagle Extraordinaire, PhD) Over half of America has a fur-baby as part of their family; however, most people do not realize that their furry best friend can actually teach you valuable life lessons.  I am going to go over some key life lessons your dog is actually trying to teach you. First let’s look at being more persistent.  In life, if you want something, you must be willing to work for it.  When I go for a walk and I want to eat my favorite treat, “frog ala roadkill”, I will take my dad off our path and immediately bolt towards my tasty treat.  Once my dad realizes what I am up to, he will pull my leash and divert me back on the path.  In life, one must never give up!  I will strategize and walk away and then do a circ...
My Favorite Thing About Covid

My Favorite Thing About Covid

There are many things that I have not enjoyed about this COVID-19 season. As a matter of fact, I've often described the last few months as navigating a boat regularly capsizing. Once again I’m flipping the boat back over, bailing out the water, and rowing furiously to continue forward. This year has worn on us all in many ways, but the innovative thinkers have been able to assess the new climate and pivot appropriately in order not to fail. What a beautiful representation of the ingenuity of our great people. And while I lament the loss of a simpler time, my heart bursts with pride at the beautiful community which now emerges. Remember when business was dog-eat-dog? When people didn’t have time to sit and eat a meal with their families? Remember when everyone around you was usually out ...
Live Like Freddie…The Best Advice in Business and Life

Live Like Freddie…The Best Advice in Business and Life

Community, Uncategorized
Stronger... One More Time By Connie Meyer The staccato, quick tap of high-heeled shoes on the linoleum floor bounced off the walls of the hall.  With no other noises to compete in the darkness, the sharp sound of footsteps could be heard throughout the whole hospital wing.  The person walking quickly broke the hushed quiet in Freddie Aron’s hospital room.  The special private-duty nurse, Miss Sheila, had begun her shift at midnight, and her patient, Mr. Aron, had given her his usual rundown of the day.  His wife and younger daughter had been with him most of the day, as well as many friends who could finally take turns for short visits now that he had moved to a step-down unit from the ICU.  And he’d spoken to his older daughter who lived 3,000 miles away....
Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer – Civil Discourse

Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer – Civil Discourse

Headlines, Politics, Uncategorized
HRW was able to sit down for a chat with the Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer “One of the biggest problems that we have in our country is a lack of civility and a lack of respectful and effective communication.  We have become smitten with social media to the point where people don’t talk to one another anymore; they have more comfort in texting.  We have certainly lost the human touch.    I also attribute the lack of civility to social media, since this is where people feel that they can say anything online, regardless of whether or not they hurt someone else’s feelings.  We have become desensitized and ineffective communicators.   In terms of politics, people don’t trust government anymore and they feel they can say or do whatever they want in the pu...
Contemporary Woman Leader of Today: Cheryl McLeskey

Contemporary Woman Leader of Today: Cheryl McLeskey

Business, Community, Headlines, Uncategorized
Hampton Roads Weekly had the pleasure and privilege of sitting down to talk with Cheryl McLeskey who is our contemporary woman leader of today.  This dynamic, warm, multi-talented woman has overcome incredible odds with the help of her God-given strength.  We are lucky to have Cheryl as a tireless leader in Hampton Roads. TAKING OVER THE HELM OF MCLESKEY COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT I have to give credit to my late husband Wayne for building a solid foundation through decades of hard work. He developed high-quality residential and commercial projects all around the region to help serve people. Becoming CEO of the company after my husband‘s death in 2012 was very difficult as I fought through grief. Through the great senior leadership team that Wayne trained for decades, and the n...
Live Like Freddie…

Live Like Freddie…

Community, Uncategorized
The Best Advice in Business and Life The Brown Paper Bag Each year, this very week in time on the calendar, my mind travels back to another decade with my dad, Freddie Aron, at Rogers Men’s Clothing store in Portsmouth, Virginia - and the all important lessons in business and in life that I learned there. It is after a hectic, but wonderful Christmas season, and is time now to clear away last year’s merchandise to make room as new fresh spring items flood in our back door. I am standing behind the large, U-shaped, mahogony counter that houses the cash register, gift wrapping area, and the shelves filled with paper bags. There were two kinds of bags stored there. A handsome, embossed, black, and gold bag with the  Roger’s Clothes crest logo on front and a small, light brown...